In addition to our Half Marathon at the end of April , we have decided to add another event for Team OWP! This Brooklyn Spring Half race includes options for a half marathon, a 10K, or a 5K depending on your comfort level.
We encourage all who are interested to please register and run in support of OWP -- use it as an opportunity to train for the Brooklyn Half in April, or to run your first race, or anywhere in between!
This event is part of the Team OWP initiative that supports our scholarship fund and our very special UPK program. Stay tuned for more info coming soon about ways to be involved, to help fundraise! To participate in this event, or to help organize and contribute your ideas, please sign up at this link to let us know how you would like to participate. If you plan to run, please also register with the race organizers here.
We hope you'll join us in supporting One World Project! We can’t wait to see you out there.