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A Community of Learners


One World Project Poker Open
to Mar 30

One World Project Poker Open

We are so grateful and excited to announce that Ian (Althie's dad) has volunteered to organize a poker tournament fundraiser at One World Project on March 29.  So get working on your best poker face and join us for a chance to win big :) 

Everyone is welcome (and please invite your friends)! Spots are limited on a first-come, first-serve basis so make sure to sign up ASAP. Please keep on reading below for a message from Ian with a few more logistics and instructions. We can't wait to see you all there!

When and Where
Please save Saturday, March 29 for One World Project's first (hopefully annual) Poker Open! We are holding it at OWP, 302 Vanderbilt Street. There will be a cocktail hour from 6 to 7 PM and the Main Event tournament will start promptly at 7.

Can't Make it But Still Want to Donate?
Use this link!

The Tournament
The tournament buy-in is $200 per player, with 50% of that money going to OWP and the other 50% going towards an exciting prize pool. The tournament will be capped at 100 players, with re-buys allowed in the first hour of play. A structure sheet is attached, and a link to register is here. Please sign up as soon as possible as we are giving OWP families first crack at signing up before sending to the larger community. 

If you want to play, but don't know how, in advance of the night, watch youtube videos on "How to play no limit Texas hold 'em" and download Pokerstars and play a "play money" tournament. For more seasoned players, Ian is happy to answer any questions (email: 

Help we need from the OWP Community

Beyond signing up to play, we would love help to make this event a success! Please use the Volunteer Signup Sheet to help with one or more of the following: 

1. Room setup (4 PM to 5 PM): we will transform the top floor of OWP into Brooklyn's most exciting poker room for the night. Come help set up the room and, if interested, decorate it!  

2. Potluck style dinner (6 PM drop-off): We are asking OWP's families to cater the event! Bring a favorite home-cooked dish, purchase some arepas, or maybe just bring some paper plates, napkins, or cups. 

2. Stock the bar: We need enough booze for an open bar for 100 + people. Please drop off your extra bottles, six packs, club sodas, lime, or do you want to throw in to purchase some kegs? 

3. Bartenders: Don't want to play but want to hang? We are looking for a few amateur (or, heck, professional) bartenders to keep the drinks following. 

4. DJ: Looking for someone to create the perfect poker playing playlist (or to DJ live!). We are thinking the perfect background soundtrack, millennial indie probably goes well, but we trust whoever wants the job. 

5. Tournament MC, Runners, & Dealers: Looking for people to help the tournament run properly (training prior to the event)--can be high school or even middle school aged kids if they are interested. As the tournament progresses, we may want to add in dealers, so we are looking for people who are interested in that as well. Dealers should ideally be people who have played Texas hold 'em a few times before and are decent at math. Dealers can also be high schoolers. After the first few hours, the number of dealers needed will decrease as players are eliminated. 

Ian (Dad to Althie in Mar)

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OWP Comunidad Meeting
8:30 PM20:30

OWP Comunidad Meeting

Our OWP Comunidad Meetings allow for regular feedback and input on OWP's strategy and programs. It provides a space for ideas and concerns to be shared as well as joint problem-solving. It is our hope that everyone who is part of the OWP community - parents, teachers, neighbors, grandparents and caregivers, will join us.

OWP’s Comunidad Meetings will be held via zoom. You’ll receive the Zoom link when you RSVP.

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Seeds & Chefs Camp: April 14 to April 18
to Apr 18

Seeds & Chefs Camp: April 14 to April 18

What are your children doing for Spring Recess?  One World Project is offering a fun and educational Spanish-immersion camp called Seeds & Chefs from April 14 to April 18.  We'll be digging in dirt, planting veggies, and testing recipes - all in Spanish.  Seeds & Chefs is designed for children between the ages of 2 and 10 years old (in different groups depending on their age). 

Camps Application here!

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La Vuelta @ OWP ~ Fundraiser
5:00 PM17:00

La Vuelta @ OWP ~ Fundraiser

Join us on Friday, April 25, as part of our Brooklyn Half Weekend.  The kids will run (or walk or scoot) along Vanderbilt Street, down East 4th, along Greenwood Avenue and up East 3rd.  We'll end the race with a celebration and an upcycled metal ceremony for all participants.  

We hope you'll join us.

To participate in this event, or to help organize and contribute your ideas, please sign-up at this link.

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Brooklyn Half Marathon ~ Fundraiser
7:00 AM07:00

Brooklyn Half Marathon ~ Fundraiser

On Saturday, May 4, we will join half marathoners for an epic running journey: The Brooklyn Half Marathon!

The iconic route starts in hip North Brooklyn and winds around the waterfront taking you under the historic Williamsburg, Manhattan, and Brooklyn Bridges while delivering eye popping views of Manhattan. From there, the route heads up the historic concourses of Fulton Street and Flatbush Avenue before passing through Grand Army Plaza and into fabled brownstone Brooklyn before finishing in Prospect Park.

This event is part of a bigger Half Weekend initiative. Stay tuned for more info coming soon about ways to be involved, to help fundraise, and to support our very special UPK. To participate in this event, or to help organize and contribute your ideas, please sign up at this link. We hope you'll join us in supporting One World Project.

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Primavera Fest
5:00 PM17:00

Primavera Fest

Join OWP Teachers and Staff in a celebration of Spring.  We'll be planting, making seed art, and learning about the bugs and birds of the season.

Please sign the media release here.

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Around the World Benefit
6:30 PM18:30

Around the World Benefit

The Around the World Benefit is happening on Saturday, May 17 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm.

There will be delicious food, an open bar, a silent auction, live music, and great company. 

The suggested donation is $100 per ticket, and you can buy tickets here. Please give what you can: less if you need to and more if you are able. While we love your kids, we ask that this event be just for grown ups.

If you want to volunteer and help organize, please sign-up at this link.

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No es una caja/Not a Box Festival
10:00 AM10:00

No es una caja/Not a Box Festival

Join One World Project for our annual Not-a-Box Festival! Inspired by the book Not a Box by Antoinette Portis and the documentary Caine's Arcade, the Not-a-Box Festival is a celebration of upcycling and the imagination.

One World Project will provide a vast array of building supplies. There will be sharpies, duct tape, CDs, buttons, cork, toilet paper rolls and more to help participants realize their box creations.

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OWP Fiesta del Orgullo
5:00 PM17:00

OWP Fiesta del Orgullo

Join us at One World Project for a celebration of LGBTQ+ pride, love, and community!

There will be storytelling, music, art, dance, and more — everyone is welcome, so bring friends, family, and community from far and wide.

This event is a fundraiser for OWP, and we are asking for a suggested donation of $25, or however much feels comfortable for you.

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Círculo Creativo: Bomba Puertorriqueña
6:00 PM18:00

Círculo Creativo: Bomba Puertorriqueña

¡Bienvenidxs a nuestro Círculo Creativo!

Este será un espacio para hablar, compartir, usando el arte, para un grupo de participantes multigeneracional (jóvenes y adultos de 16 años en adelante) que deseen compartir y aprender de los talentos e intereses artísticos de todos, expresados en su idioma dominante, el español.

Esta siguiente reunión en Marzo será una introducción a la Bomba puertorriqueña, donde yo (Marixsa) estaré compartiendo mi proceso de aprendizaje y experiencia en el estudio de este género musical Afro-caribeño. ¡Únete a nosotros para conocer más sobre esta expresión esencial de la cultura Puertorriqueña! Podrás disfrutar de un delicioso coquito en comunidad y  acudir como observador o como participante para aprender los pasos y movimientos básicos de la Bomba.

En el futuro, otros temas posibles para el futuro pueden incluir: música, poesía, identidades afrocaribeñas e indígenas, conocimiento ancestral, percusión, movimiento, resiliencia, expresiones culturales, actuación, baile, canto, y más. Contamos contigo para mas ideas...

Nota: Las reuniones se realizarán íntegramente en español. La asistencia es completamente gratuita, pero solicitamos una donación sugerida de $20 para apoyar el programa. Te pedimos que dones solo lo que puedas: más si es posible y menos si no lo es.

Note: Meetings will take place entirely in Spanish. Admission is completely free, but we are asking for a suggested donation of $5-$15 to support the program. We ask that you give only what you can: more if it is possible, and less if it is not.

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Brooklyn Spring Half Marathon/10K/5K
9:30 AM09:30

Brooklyn Spring Half Marathon/10K/5K

In addition to our Half Marathon at the end of April , we have decided to add another event for Team OWP! This Brooklyn Spring Half race includes options for a half marathon, a 10K, or a 5K depending on your comfort level.

We encourage all who are interested to please register and run in support of OWP -- use it as an opportunity to train for the Brooklyn Half in April, or to run your first race, or anywhere in between! 

This event is part of the Team OWP initiative that supports our scholarship fund and our very special UPK program. Stay tuned for more info coming soon about ways to be involved, to help fundraise! To participate in this event, or to help organize and contribute your ideas, please sign up at this link to let us know how you would like to participate. If you plan to run, please also register with the race organizers here.

We hope you'll join us in supporting One World Project! We can’t wait to see you out there.

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Cuentos y Canciones:
5:00 PM17:00

Cuentos y Canciones:

Stories and songs (Cuentos y Canciones) serve important purposes for students’ learning and development. They help us have fun and connect with one another, while learning about ourselves and the world around us. They are crucial for our language and communication development, and can serve as powerful vehicles for conversations that require careful thought and consideration.

At OWP, we use stories and songs very intentionally, and thought that sharing some of our favorites with the community would be important.

This edition of Cuentos y Canciones will be centered on friendship and connection.

When: Friday, March 7, from 5pm-6:30pm
What: Read-alouds in Spanish led by OWP teachers and parents , fun activities, and a Spanish book fair by Chau Luna with 10% of proceeds donated back to OWP.  

This event is open to everyone. 

There is a suggested donation of $25 per family.  Like always, any amount is appreciated — please feel free to give more if you are able, and less if you need to. 

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OWP Information Session for Prospective Families
5:15 PM17:15

OWP Information Session for Prospective Families

With NYC Universal Pre-K application deadlines at the end of February, we are offering one last chance for families to come hear more about our UPK program and to learn more about our community. We hope you can make it!

We will also be sharing more about all our Spanish-immersion programs: infants and toddlers, preschool, UPK, school break camps, and after school. We will also have time for demonstrating some of our practices and answering questions.

The in-person information session will also include a guided tour of our indoor and outdoor learning spaces.

Given space constraints, this event is just for parents and guardians.

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Taller de Arte Global: February 17 to February 21
to Feb 21

Taller de Arte Global: February 17 to February 21

We have developed an incredible line up of visual artists from near and far. Each day campers will be introduced to an artist, their medium, and art technique. We'll be creating with clay, making collages, painting, experimenting with photography, working with textiles, and building upcycle sculptures. Our Taller de Arte Global is designed for Spanish & English speakers from 2 to 10 years old.

Camps application here!

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OWP Comunidad
8:30 PM20:30

OWP Comunidad

Our OWP Comunidad Meetings allow for regular feedback and input on OWP's strategy and programs. It provides a space for ideas and concerns to be shared as well as joint problem-solving. It is our hope that everyone who is part of the OWP community - parents, teachers, neighbors, grandparents and caregivers, will join us.

OWP’s Comunidad Meetings will be held via zoom. You’ll receive the Zoom link when you RSVP.

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Títeres: One Day Camp
9:00 AM09:00

Títeres: One Day Camp

At One World Project, we strive to celebrate diversity in all its forms. In this one-day camp, we’ll use puppets to highlight both our own beautiful selves, as well as the incredible differences that we find in our classrooms and throughout our lives each day. We’ll spend time creating self-portraits and designing puppets in our own image, uplifting all the different things about the ways we are, and the ways we see ourselves. Come join us as we get to know one another through art and our imagination!

To Enroll

See schedule and tuition here

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Círculo Creativo: Toma y Pinta
6:00 PM18:00

Círculo Creativo: Toma y Pinta

¡Bienvenidxs a nuestro Círculo Creativo!

Este será un espacio para hablar, compartir, usando el arte, para un grupo de participantes multigeneracional (jóvenes y adultos de 16 años en adelante) que deseen compartir y aprender de los talentos e intereses artísticos de todos, expresados en su idioma dominante, el español.

Temas posibles pueden incluir: música, poesía, identidades afrocaribeñas, identidades indígenas, conocimiento ancestral, percusión, movimiento, resiliencia, expresiones culturales, actuación, baile, canto, y más…

Nota: Las reuniones se realizarán íntegramente en español. La asistencia es completamente gratuita, pero solicitamos una donación sugerida de $5 a $15 para apoyar el programa. Te pedimos que dones solo lo que puedas: más si es posible y menos si no lo es.

Note: Meetings will take place entirely in Spanish. Admission is completely free, but we are asking for a suggested donation of $5-$15 to support the program. We ask that you give only what you can: more if it is possible, and less if it is not.

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OWP Information Session for Prospective Families ~ 2025/2026 Admissions
5:15 PM17:15

OWP Information Session for Prospective Families ~ 2025/2026 Admissions

Please join us to learn more about our community! We will be sharing more about all our Spanish-immersion programs: infants and toddlers, preschool, UPK, school break camps, and after school. We will also have time for demonstrating some of our practices and answering questions.

The in-person information session will also include a guided tour of our indoor and outdoor learning spaces.

Given space constraints, this event is just for parents and guardians.

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Celebrando el Solsticio
5:15 PM17:15

Celebrando el Solsticio

Our Winter Solstice Lantern Walk is Happening on December 18 from 5:15pm - 6:15pm.

Please join us in Prospect Park between Vanderbilt Playground and the Loop. Please bring a lantern and be ready to sing. At the 16th Street entrace will have some oat-milk hot chocolate together.

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Team OWP Zoom
8:30 PM20:30

Team OWP Zoom

Join us over Zoom to hear from our wonderful coaches, as well as other runner and walkers of Team OWP! Everyone is welcome: whether you've signed up already or you're still on the fence, we encourage you to come ask questions, make connections, and hear more about all our upcoming team events.

No running experience required to join! The goal of each of these events is to have fun at any level, and to build community in support of one another and One World Project.

Note: If you haven't signed up for Team OWP yet and would like to do so, please put your name and T-shirt size on this google sheet!

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OWP Information Session for Prospective Families ~ 2025/2026 Admissions
5:15 PM17:15

OWP Information Session for Prospective Families ~ 2025/2026 Admissions

Please join us to learn more about our community! We will be sharing more about all our Spanish-immersion programs: infants and toddlers, preschool, UPK, school break camps, and after school. We will also have time for demonstrating some of our practices and answering questions.

The in-person information session will also include a guided tour of our indoor and outdoor learning spaces.

Given space constraints, this event is just for parents and guardians.

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Kindergarten Information Session
8:30 PM20:30

Kindergarten Information Session

Please join us for a community Zoom discussion about the kindergarten application process, and the transition next year. This event will provide valuable insight into navigating this important step in your child's journey.

We are all committed to supporting your family fully throughout each step of the process: from weighing your options and completing applications, to keeping important deadlines, and preparing your child for the move to kindergarten.

We hop you’ll be able to make it, and we look forward to seeing you there! Please find the Zoom link enclosed when you RSVP.

Our Kinder Information Session is an event for current UPK families only.

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OWP Mercado
11:00 AM11:00

OWP Mercado

Mark your calendar for OWP’s second annual Mercado happening on November 23rd from 11am-3pm. This is a maker's, market, book fair and crafty community gathering! The event will include artists, makers, and bakers from our communities with some proceeds going to OWP. The Mercado is open to the public so please help spread the word and invite your friends ❤︎

We will have a Spanish bookstore, several ceramicists, painters, crochet work, textiles, and more.

To sign up to be a baker or a maker, please fill out this google form.

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Círculo Creativo
6:00 PM18:00

Círculo Creativo

¡Bienvenidxs a nuestro Círculo Creativo!

Este será un espacio para hablar, compartir, sanar y explorar identidades por medio del arte para un grupo de participantes multigeneracional (jóvenes y adultos de 16 años en adelante) que deseen compartir y aprender de los talentos e intereses artísticos de todos, expresados en su idioma dominante, el español.

Temas posibles pueden incluir: música, poesía, identidades afrocaribeñas, identidades indígenas, conocimiento ancestral, percusión, movimiento, resiliencia, expresiones culturales, actuación, baile, canto, y más…

Nota: Las reuniones se realizarán íntegramente en español. La asistencia es completamente gratuita, pero solicitamos una donación sugerida de $5 a $15 para apoyar el programa. Te pedimos que dones solo lo que puedas: más si es posible y menos si no lo es.

Note: Meetings will take place entirely in Spanish. Admission is completely free, but we are asking for a suggested donation of $5-$15 to support the program. We ask that you give only what you can: more if it is possible, and less if it is not.

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¡Rampas! ~ One Day Camp
9:00 AM09:00

¡Rampas! ~ One Day Camp

Our incredible ramp at the entrance to OWP was constructed after a parent in our school community who used a wheelchair was prevented from entering the building for pick-up and drop-off. Noticing the lack of accessibility, the community rallied and raised funds for the construction of a ramp so that our school could be accessible to everyone. Parents and community members who were architects, contractors, and construction workers donated their time and effort to make sure the ramp got built safely and quickly. We hope our ramp helps make everyone feel welcome at OWP.  

In that spirit, please join us on Friday, November 1, for a One Day Camp exploring the Wonderful World of Ramps! We’ll be talking about accessibility, and why the ramp is meaningful to our community. We will also have time to explore our ramp, do some ramp building, and even conduct our own physics experiments. 

See schedule and tuition here

Click here to apply!

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OWP's Approach to Learning
5:00 PM17:00

OWP's Approach to Learning

Note: For your convenience, this event will take place twice, at 12pm and 5pm. Please attend the session that works best for your fanily: come when you can, and leave when you must!

Please join us for a zoom conversation, where we will share information about OWP's strategies to incorporate social and emotional learning, support Spanish-language development, embrace anti bias goals and provide opportunities for exploration and discovery aligned with children's interests in our indoor and outdoor learning environments.

The Approach to Learning is an event for OWP current families.

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OWP's Rain and Winter Gear Swap
8:00 AM08:00

OWP's Rain and Winter Gear Swap

OWP's Rain & Winter Gear Swap is happening on October 17, from 8am to 9:30am in La Huerta! Please save the date and join us to help give old clothes a new life. The goals of the Rain & Winter Gear Swap are to minimize the need to buy new gear, clear out closets of outgrown gear, and most importantly to keep the kids warm and dry so we can maximize time outside.

We are accepting donations up until 2 days before the event, so please bring clothes and other gear to drop off at school by Tuesday, October 15 at the latest. To coordinate drop-off, please be in touch with your child’s teachers so that we can find a time that works for everyone. Thanks so much for your generous help in keeping the community warm and dry!

Donations: OWP will be accepting donations of clean and gently used (good for at least another season) rain and/or winter gear (ie., rain coats, boots/shoes, Muddy Buddies, winter coats, hats, gloves, etc).

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OWP Comunidad
5:00 PM17:00

OWP Comunidad

Our OWP Comunidad Meetings allow for regular feedback and input on OWP's strategy and programs. It provides a space for ideas and concerns to be shared as well as joint problem-solving. It is our hope that everyone who is part of the OWP community - parents, teachers, neighbors, grandparents and caregivers, will join us.

OWP’s Comunidad Meetings will be held via zoom. You’ll receive the Zoom link when you RSVP.

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Café y Conversación at OWP
8:00 AM08:00

Café y Conversación at OWP

Join Joanne from 8am to 9:30am to connect with fellow parents and OWP staff.  We hope this will be an opportunity to foster and strengthen our community, and can serve as a space for parents to ask questions, give feedback and learn more about our new location and forever home at 44 Seeley Street.

We have mugs for this gathering to minimize our consumption of paper products.  If you have a favorite mug from home feel free to bring it for your coffee :) 

Café y Conversación at OWP is an event for OWP current families.

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El Otoño ~ One Day Camp
9:00 AM09:00

El Otoño ~ One Day Camp

Autumn is here, and we want to learn all about it! Join us at campamento del otoño to practice our Spanish, and deepen our connection with the environment. We’ll spend lots of time outside exploring the changing seasons, letting nature be our guide as we ask all kinds of questions about the world around us: where are all the birds heading? What color are the leaves on the trees? What kinds of sounds do they make when we stomp on them? We’re so excited to find out.

See schedule and tuition here

Click here to apply!

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Esculturas maleables ~ One Day Camp
9:00 AM09:00

Esculturas maleables ~ One Day Camp

Join us for a day of tactile exploration. We will use beautiful, high quality, soothing materials to create art (all in Spanish, of course!) We’ll explore lots of different textures, surfaces, and stuff all around us, and let ourselves be inspired to make things we’ve never seen before. We can’t wait to see what surprises are in store!

See schedule and tuition here

Click here to apply!

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Pride Fiesta
10:00 AM10:00

Pride Fiesta

Join us at One World Project for a celebration of LGBTQ+ pride, love, and community!

There will be storytelling, music, art, dance, and more — everyone is welcome, so bring friends, family, and community from far and wide.

This event is a fundraiser for OWP, and we are asking for a suggested donation of $25, or however much feels comfortable for you.

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Día del Agua ~ One Day Camp
9:00 AM09:00

Día del Agua ~ One Day Camp

June 17 is our Día del Agua One Day Camp. Water is all around us, and now is the perfect time to ask questions and learn more about it. We’ll do science experiments and learn about bubbles. We’ll spend time investigating how water works and why it’s important for everybody and everything all across the world! 

It’s hot outside, so it’s perfect chance to cool off in OWP’s sprinklers and water toys as well. We’ll also build forts on the patio, and spend time creating different arts and crafts inspired by water in all its forms.

To Enroll

See schedule and tuition here

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BBQ en el Parque
1:00 PM13:00

BBQ en el Parque

On June 8, a group of OWP dads will be BBQing at the grills near Vanderbilt Playground! Everyone is welcome to attend — bring friends, neighbors, games, and toys for an afternoon of relaxation and a picnic in the park.

Food will be served between 1-4pm, but all are invited to come earlier or stay later — whatever works for your family. Join us when you can, and leave when you must :)

Note: We have filled all the slots for available food — sign-ups are now closed. Families who did not sign up for barbecue are still welcome to join us and enjoy the beautiful weather!

For this event, we are asking for a suggested donation of $20/person in support of OWP. However, as always, we invite everybody to give what they are comfortable with — more if you are able, and less if you are not.

If you are a new family, please make sure to sign the media release here.

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Piedras y Palos ~ One Day Camp
9:00 AM09:00

Piedras y Palos ~ One Day Camp

One-day Camp: June 7

Join us for Piedras y Palos, a one-day camp focused on open-ended play and exploration of the nature in our own backyard. We’ll deepen our connection with nature by asking new questions, collaborating with peers, and testing the scientific method along the way.

These simple building blocks will serve as a starting point for our collective imaginations to run wild: what creations can we make? What can we do with different sizes and shapes? Perhaps we’ll make a fort, design an art installation, concoct an incredible mud soup, or come up with an invention of our very own — we can’t say what adventures await, but we can’t wait to find out with all of you!

To Enroll

See schedule and tuition here

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Around the World Benefit
6:30 PM18:30

Around the World Benefit

The Around the World Benefit is happening on Saturday, May 18 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm.

There will be delicious food, an open bar, a silent auction, live music, and great company. 

The suggested donation is $100 per ticket. Please give what you can. Less if you need to and more if you are able. While we love your kids, we ask that this event be just for grown ups.

If you want to volunteer and help organize, please sign-up at this link.

Get your tickets here!

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OWP Information Session for Prospective Families
6:00 PM18:00

OWP Information Session for Prospective Families

Please join us to learn more about our community! We will be sharing more about all our Spanish-immersion programs - preschool, UPK, school break camps, and after school. We will also have time for demonstrating some of our practices and answering questions.

The in-person information session will also include a guided tour of our indoor and outdoor learning spaces.

Given space constraints, this event is only for parents and guardians.

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